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Vegetable DominionVegetable Dominion

The Vegetable Dominion is an alliance of 3 species hampered by corruption and bureaucratic protocol. Vegetables can be scheming and manipulative when required and possess keen negotiation skills and intellect, although selfish ambition tends to reduce their potential in many areas.

Technology | Ships


Leader Regent

Emblem of the Vegetable Dominion

Race Portrait Coming Soon!

Environment Carbon Dioxide + Rock
Culture Schemers
Happiness Type Political
Demeanor Deceptive

Cultural Modifiers

Production --- Research --- Intelligence +10 Trade --- Happiness -10
Space Combat --- Ground Combat --- Space Yard Rate --- Repair --- Maintenance ---

Racial Characteristics and Aptitudes

Physical Strength 100 Intelligence 100 Cunning 120
Environmental Resistance 100 Reproduction 100 Happiness 95
Aggressiveness 100 Defensiveness 100 Political Savvy 110
Carbohydrate Collection 100 Protein Harvesting 100 Lipid Extraction 80
Construction Aptitude 110 Repair Aptitude 100 Maintenance Aptitude 90

Advanced Traits Vegetable Technology, Rock Planet Natives, Supply Guzzlers, Enzyme Experts, Photosynthesis Experts, Food Poisoning Experts, Inferior Lipid Storage

There are 3 different veggienoid species that make up the Vegetable Dominion. Peppers, Celery, and Leek. Each species breathes carbon dioxide and prefers damp and mild climates on terrestrial planets. The Celery and Leek are collectively referred to as collenchymatids and inhabit most of the temperate zones. Peppers reside mostly in the tropics, but also extensively in the southern hemisphere.

Celery and Leek: Tall slender bi-pedal veggienoids that share a common evolutionary ancestry. They stand 15-20cm tall with masses ranging from 140-180g. The low gravity of the Vegetable homeworld has generally resulted in their tall and lightweight frames. The majority of the outer body is composed of rigid collenchyma cells that help them to maintain their shape and protect their inner organs. Both species are adorned with leafy foliage that can perform photosynthesis to provide additional energy, although Leeks are usually more smooth bodied. Celery and Leek have average senses, but below average strength. Reproduction occurs when the seeds of females are fertilized by males and planted. After 100-120 days young vegetables emerge. Reproduction is frequent but seedling mortality high. Celery and Leek both require diets high in cellulose and vitamins and healthy individuals can attain 20-25 years of age.

Peppers: Are shorter, round bi-pedal veggienoids that share little in common with the Celery and Leek. Peppers average 10-12cm in height and are slightly heavier at 130-160g. Peppers come in a variety of colours ranging from green and yellow to red. Their bodies are mostly hollow and their vital organs centralized in a middle core. Gas exchange occurs on the inner wall of the body through micropores in the skin. The inner flesh of Peppers is highly toxic to non-peppers. They have decent strength and average senses. Reproduction is less frequent and occurs in a similar manner as the Celery and Leek, although Pepper seedlings take 140-150 days before they emerge. Peppers prefer a diet rich in cellulose and a group of rare compounds known as capsaicinoids. Peppers tend to live 30-35 years.

The Vegetable Dominion is an association of all three Vegetable species. Each race contributes members based on population to the Assembly, which is the ruling body of the Dominion that regulates global trade, tariffs, and even territorial disputes. The Assembly is highly bureaucratic and inefficient plagued by scandal, political assassinations, and extensive protocols. The leader of the Assembly is the Regent who serves a two year term. The Peppers tend to control the direction of the Dominion and are increasingly resented by the Celery and Leek - although the economic and military power of the Peppers tends to keep them in line. Vegetable society is open and all individuals are considered equal. However, life tends to be driven by the accumulation of wealth and influence at the cost of increased hardship for others. Crime is commonplace as well as poverty despite lengthy provisions against both. Advancement is powered only by greed. The Celery and Leek form most of the lower classes and the general labor force, with Peppers more proficient in economic and engineering endeavors. Most of population remains segregated except for bordering areas between Celery and Leek territory and large cities that are becoming increasingly diverse.

For most of their history, the Vegetables have been divided into different regional states based on their species. Wars and conflict were common along neighboring territories and between each of the species for many years. Improving transportation and changes in social attitudes led to more interaction and eventually the first formal agreements for peace and trade. The new markets brought wealth to many Vegetables and led to an economic revolution that sparked a series of new innovations and further co-operation between each species. After awhile it became obvious that an international organization was required to maintain and regulate trade and expansion, which became the Vegetable Economic Dominion and later shorten to the Vegetable Dominion. The Peppers seized the opportunity to push forward their agenda of obtaining control over the Vegetable homeworld by utilizing their economic strength to ensure the dependence of Celery and Leek territories and prevent discord. The Peppers have maintained an illusion of sharing power that has managed to keep the Celery and Leek at bay, although a combination of depleted resources and corruption may force the Peppers to look elsewhere in order to maintain their grip on the Dominion.

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