
Pumpkin Patch
Pumpkins are a peaceful race with a curiosity for the exploration of the unknown. The loosely bound society of the Pumpkins reduces their economic potential despite their capability to development new technologies.
Technology | Ships
Speaker |


Oxygen + Gas Giant |
Pacifists |
Peaceful |
Serene |
Cultural Modifiers
100 |
+10 |
-5 |
+10 |
+10 |
-5 |
-20 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Racial Characteristics and Aptitudes
100 |
120 |
90 |
100 |
95 |
100 |
90 |
100 |
120 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
115 |
Pumpkin Technology, Gas Giant Natives, Large Race, Supply Conservers, Composting Experts, Photosynthesis Experts |
Pumpkins are a large, round fruitnoid species that inhabit the atmospheres of oxygen-based Gas Giant planets. The
typical pumpkin ranges from 20-30cm in diameter with a mass of 3-5 kilograms. They have a tough orange skin that protects them from the often
turbulent atmosphere and multiple appendages like arms that can manipulate objects. Pumpkins are able to move using a form of jet propulsion,
forcing air out through small pores that cover their bodies. Pumpkin vision is quite poor and restricted to changes in light intensity, so they
navigate through echo-location and electric fields. Pumpkin reproduction occurs when male pumpkins fertilize the seeds of female Pumpkins. The
seeds are carried by the female for about 200 days before the young pumpkins emerge. Pumpkin reproduction occurs only once per lifetime for
females. Pumpkins collect needed nutrients and water from the atmosphere by filtrating the air that passes through them during movement. Advances
have allowed the collection of nutrients in vast fields that can be used by Pumpkins for feeding. The average lifespan is about 40 to 50 years,
with some individuals reaching 60.
Pumpkins are organized into a loose knit collection of regional groups. Each region is self-governed, but also elect
representatives to the Grand Patch Council, which is responsible for resolving issues and making decisions that are on a global scale. The Council
leader, referred to as Speaker, is selected by the Council every two years. The Speaker's role is to set the agenda for the Council and to mediate
potential disputes between regions. Pumpkin citizens from all regions enjoy a high level of personal freedom, and equality of all citizens firmly
established. Community bonds are strong and provide a well-structured environment that prevents alleviates most economic and social problems. Religious
practices are few, although most Pumpkins believe in some form of reincarnation after death. The Pumpkin economy is mostly resource-based, with
many Pumpkins involved in collection and distribution of resources. Improving technology has created an increase in scientific and engineering
endeavors, including space exploration. The majority of Pumpkins inhabit the upper atmosphere in mostly smaller city-structures, but also a
few large urban structures in the more populated regions.
Pumpkins for thousands of years were mostly nomadic, traveling through the atmosphere in search of food and other
resources. Permanent settlements first appeared near areas of high resource concentration. Cultivation of these natural regions led to an increase
in population and new technologies to maximize supplies soon followed. Increasing technological sophistication brought the discovery of new materials,
building techniques, and the first large scale habitations. The docile nature of Pumpkins in combination with the sheer vastness of the their home
planet has produced very few conflicts. Innovations in transportation and computer technology allowed Pumpkins to explore the lower and upper
realms of the planet and make their first efforts into space. The difficulty in harvesting specialized resources and the curious nature of Pumpkins
have seen a push to develop new technologies to explore space and gather more materials.
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