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A group of weapons that consist only of the explosive materials and firing mechanism. Among the more common warheads in the Food galaxy are Hydrochloric Acid warheads and Anti-Nutrient warheads. Warhead technology is also important to the development of missile and torpedo weapons.

Warp Point Dehydrator

A theoretical device that destroys the gravitational fields associated with warp points. In Space Food Empires lore, this device has yet to be created, but is available in the mod after lots and lots of research.

Warp Point Seeder

Another hypothetical device in the Food Galaxy, the Warp Point Seeder forms artificial warp points by creating 'seeds' of gravity that grow through subspace and emerge in distant systems to form a link. In the Food Galaxy, this theoretical device has yet to be seen although that may change.


A generic term describing a troop of the Meat Empire. These burly and fearsome warriors are renowned for their combat prowess in both ship boarding and planetary fighting. In fact, they may just be the most difficult opponent to face, with the exception of their even crazier cousins, the Berzerkers!

Weapon Damaging Weapons

An area of weapons specialization that focuses on the destruction of a target's weapon systems. The most common type of weapon damaging weapons are Xanthan-based, although a few other types exist. Preservative Mounts are perhaps the best type of defense against these weapons.

Weapon Platforms

A self-contained weapons array that is placed on the surface of a planet to protect a planet against bombardment from orbit. Weapon platforms are used by many races in the Food galaxy and offer colonists on the frontier some protection.

Weapons Control

On Corn ships, the Weapons Control is a secondary bridge dedicated entirely to combat operations, enhancing the ships tactical capabilities. It also serves as an auxiliary bridge in the event that the main bridge is inoperable.

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