
This is essentially a reproduction of the history.txt file included with the mod. I'll try to keep track of all the changes I
make for each version, although sometimes I might forget to mention some of the minor changes.
Version History 0.22 (Beta) - 13 August 2005
- Added - Expanded descriptions for polluting facilities for help on pollution control
- Changed - Made various changes to pollution and unhappiness levels for selected facilities
- Added - 'Planet - Change Population Happiness' ability to Robot Factory I-III
- Added - 'Planet - Change Population Happiness' ability to Intelligence Center I-V
- Added - 'Planet - Change Population Happiness' ability to Intelligence Agency I-III
- Changed - Renamed Ministry of Intelligence to Ministry of Safety
- Fixed - Errors in family numbers of some weapons that caused discreprencies in heavy mount policy
- Fixed - Forgot to add same restrictions to heavy mounts for bases as ships
- Changed - Renamed Basic Catabolic Reactors and related entries to Gastric Reactors
- Changed - Modified costs and supply storage of all reactor components
- Fixed - Errors in build rates of Space Yards I-III
- Changed - Modified costs of all engine components
- Added - New Systemnames.txt file with more foodish names
Version History 0.21 (Beta) - 01 August 2005
- Changed - Renamed weapon groups in components.txt in format of weapon - type
- Changed - Modified costs for Cargo components
- Fixed - Restricted heavy mount for ships to direct fire beam, pulse, and projectile weapons
- Added - Additional descriptions for boarding attack and defence components
- Fixed - Removed extra 'Boarding Defense' abilities from Security Pods I-III
- Fixed - Error in ability description for Trehalose Bosters I-III
- Fixed - Incorrect image reference for Light Carriers in VehicleSize.txt
- Added - 'Planet - Change Population Happiness' ability to selected industrial facilities
- Added - 'Planet - Change Conditions' ability to selected industrial facilities
- Changed - Industrial facilities now decrease planet conditions and population happiness
- Fixed - All planetary happiness facilities actually made populations more angry!
- Fixed - Tech level requirements for Repair Depot I-III
- Added - Space Moss Farms I-III to Facility.txt
- Added - Pollution Control Center I-III to Facility.txt
- Changed - Renamed Weather Modification Net I-III to Atmospheric Modification Net I-III
- Added - Photosynthesis Array I-III to Facility.txt
- Fixed - Added missing Cloak Level abilities to Hubersorb Armor I-III
- Fixed - Description for Advanced Scanners tech area
- Changed - Reduced cargo space on Colony Modules
- Fixed - Error in tech requirement for Heavy Peel Armor II
- Fixed - Error in family and family weapon number for Gluten Blaster I-III
- Fixed - Various roman numeral errors in Components.txt
- Fixed - Corrected valid target types for all displacement weapons
- Fixed - Error in tech requirement for Organic Synthesizer II
- Changed - Resized Omni Nutrient Net I-III from 20kT to 10kT
- Changed - Removed base as allowable vehicle type for supply reactors
- Fixed - Error in allowable vehicle types for ship and drone only components
- Fixed - Error in temporary picture number for various resource replicator/generator components
- Fixed - Error in tech requirements for Protein Replicator I-III
- Fixed - Error in picture numbers for vehicle control components
- Fixed - Error in picture numbers for fighter engines
- Fixed - Error in allowable vehicle type for Cellulose Armor (T) I-III
- Fixed - Error in family number for Shield Generator I-III
- Fixed - Error in number of abilities for Drone Launcher I-III
- Fixed - Error in number of abilities for Resource Storage Complex I-III
- Fixed - Error in number of abilities for Resource Silos I-III
Version History 0.20 (Beta) - 16 July 2005
- Changed - Recalibrated all Armor components
- Changed - Recalibrated all Shield components
- Changed - Reduced Battered Armor to 3 levels
- Changed - Reduced Breaded Armor to 3 levels
- Changed - Reduced Combat To Hit Defense Bonus for Hubersorb Armor I-III
- Removed - Calcium Plating components for Fighters and Troops
- Added - Genetically Modified racial trait
- Added - Spice Experts racial trait
- Added - Enzyme Experts racial trait
- Added - Fighter Experts racial trait
- Added - Combat Experts racial trait
- Added - Mine Experts racial trait
- Added - Compost Experts racial trait
- Added - Photosynthesis Experts racial trait
- Added - Food Poisoning Experts racial trait
- Added - Food for Hire racial trait
- Added - Cargo Storage Experts racial trait
- Changed - Tech areas for Enzymes, Enzymatic Torpedo, Trypsin Missile, require Enzyme Experts
- Changed - Tech areas for Perpsin Bomb, Enzyme Scatterpack require Enzyme Experts
- Added - Enzymatic Converter I-III to Facility.txt, requires Enzyme Experts
- Changed - Tech areas for Coliform Missile, Mold Bomb to Food Poisoning Experts
- Changed - Moved Pepper Cannon I-V and related entries from Meat to Spice Experts racial trait
- Changed - Weapon stats for Pepper Cannon I-V
- Changed - Moved Pepper Spray and related entries from Meat to Spice Experts racial trait
- Added - Pepperine Blaster I-V and related entries for Spice Experts racial trait
- Changed - Pulse-Pepper Blaster and related entries to Tenderizer Cannon for Meat racial trait
- Added - Shreddar Cannon I-V and related entries to Meat racial trait
- Added - Dehydration Warhead and related entries for Mine Experts racial trait
- Changed - Dehyrdrogenase Warhead to Hypoglycemic Warhead
- Added - Dicer Cannon I-V for Fighter Experts racial trait
- Added - Fighter Hangar (FX) I-III for Fighter Experts racial trait
- Changed - Cargo space amounts on Cargo Bay I-V, Cargo Hold I-III, and all Colony modules.
- Changed - Costs for Cargo Bay I-V and Cargo Hold I-III
- Added - Cargo Bay I-V (CGX) to Components.txt for Cargo Experts racial trait
- Added - Cargo Hold I-III (CGX) to Components.txt for Cargo Experts racial trait
- Added - Cargo Facility I-V (CGX) to Components.txt for Cargo Experts racial trait
- Added - Compost Facility I-III to Facility.txt for Compost Experts racial trait
- Added - Enzymatic Converter I-III to Facility.txt for Enzyme Experts racial trait
- Removed - Compost components for Tomato and Pumpkin racial traits
- Added - Mine Launcher I-V (MX) to Components.txt for Mine Experts racial trait
- Added - Mine Sweeper I-III (MX) to Components.txt for Mine Experts racial trait
- Added - Solar Carbohydrate Replicator I-III to Components.txt for Photosynthesis Experts racial trait
- Added - Solar Protein Replicator I-III to Components.txt for Photosynthesis Experts racial trait
- Added - Solar Lipid Replicator I-III to Components.txt for Photosynthesis Experts racial trait
- Removed - Rapid Launch Fighter Bay I-III from Components.txt
- Added - Mine I-III in VehicleSizes.txt
- Added - Small Mine (MX) and Large Mine (MX) in VehicleSizes.txt for Mine Experts racial trait
- Changed - Sizes, costs, abilities and requirements for Base entries in VehicleSizes.txt
- Changed - Sizes, costs and abilities for Troop vehicle entries in VehicleSizes.txt
- Changed - Sizes, costs and abilities for Fighter entries in VehicleSizes.txt
- Changed - Re-ordered Weapons in Components.txt
- Changed - Resource costs for various weapons in Components.txt
- Changed - Modified various ship hull costs, sizes, and descriptions in VehicleSizes.txt
- Changed - New maintenance system added
- Changed - Renamed Storm Generator to Space Fabric Softener and modified attributes
- Changed - Renamed Storm Dissipater to Convection Inverter and modified attributes
- Changed - Renamed Warp Point Closer to Gravitational Dehydrator and modified attributes
- Changed - Renamed Warp Point Opener I-III to Warp Point Seeder I-III and modified attributes
- Added - Planet Discombobulator I-III to Components.txt
- Added - Planet Coagulator I-III to Components.txt
- Added - Stellar Imploder to Components.txt
- Added - Star Generator to Components.txt
- Added - Nebula Dissipater to Components.txt
- Added - Nebula Generator to Components.txt
- Added - Blackhole Destroyer to Components.txt
- Added - Blackhole Generator to Components.txt
- Added - Ringworld Core to Components.txt
- Added - Gravity Generator to Components.txt
- Added - Biosphere Generator to Components.txt
- Added - Hyper - Density Cables to Components.txt
- Changed - Mobile Space Yards I-III, Mobile Repair Bay I-III, and Nutrient Collectors I-V, count as cargo space
- Changed - All remote resource generation components count as cargo space
- Removed - Sphereworld from PlanetSizes.txt and other related entries
- Changed - Hull size of colony ship from 500kT to 490kT.
- Changed - Increased size of colony modules from 400kT to 3500kT.
- Added - Colony Module Mount in CompEnhancement.txt to fit colony modules to Colony ships
- Changed - All Troops only weapons to Planets target type
- Fixed - Most shipboard troop components were lacking boarding defense 'tag' to be vulnerable to 'Only Security Stations' damage type
- Added - Custom nebula images
- Changed - Nebula system descriptions and abilities
- Changed - Costs for Maintenance Aptitude
- Changed - Configuration of default Empire files
- Fixed - Tech requirements for Ethanol Propulsion tech area
- Added - Organic Chemistry requirement for Cellulose Armor tech area
- Fixed - Regeneration tech area restricted to Broccoli racial trait
- Fixed - Tech requirements for Ship Capture tech area
- Added - Additional AI design entries and construction files
- Fixed - Family number errors with Decoy Missle and Combat Sensors
- Changed - Modified starting levels for Medium tech start
- Changed - Modified technologies that can be disabled from start
- Added - Combat images for Pepperine Blaster, Dicer Cannon, and Shreddar Cannon
- Changed - Modified various armor components so AI will use them in designs
- Changed - Increased max number of levels for racial trait tech areas to inflate their design evaluation value
- Fixed - Corrected error in tech requirements for Splatter Screen I-III
Version History 0.11 (Beta) - 27 March 2005
- Changed - Split "Weapons" Tech Area into two: "Weapons - General", "Weapons - Racial"
- Added - Remainder of descriptions in TechArea.txt
- Fixed - Corrected faulty Tech Area references that caused Tech Tree error messages
- Added - Remainder of StellarAbilityTypes.txt descriptions
- Changed - Reset some SystemType images to stock defaults until they can be created
- Added - Temporary mini ship images based on empire colour
- Added - Descriptions for mounts in CompEnhancement.txt
- Fixed - Major Empire General AI files to use correct advanced traits
- Changed - Re-balanced racial characteristics in Settings.txt
- Changed - Re-balanced cultural modifiers in Cultures.txt
- Added - Additional advanced traits to RacialTraits.txt
- Added - 0 and 2000 racial points empire files
Version History 0.10 (Beta) - 21 March 2005